“I’m just a little wabbit!
Yes, heh heh heh heh, a rabbit, and just who do you think you are?”“
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
“What’s up, Doc?”
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
“Oh you’re mistaken Mac, you see I’m not 777174, I’m only three and a half”
Well … I’m willing to do anything my public demands“
“Poor little maroon, so trusting, so naive”
“What’s up, Doc?”
“Uh oh, he wants to play some more“
What! Sore again? Ehhh, what a nasty disposition”
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
It isn’t any fun playing with you when you act like that
Hey, do you mean I win again?
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
Alright, alright, quit shovin’
Whatta ya think your doin’?
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
Oh Ow! Ooh! Ouch! Oh! Oh! Agony! Agony“
“Don’t beat me Masser! Please don’t beat me Masser! Don’t beat that tired old body, no don’t!”
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
Do you happen to know what the penalty is for shooting a fricaseeing rabbit without a fricaseeing rabbit license?”
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
“Gee, ain’t I a stinker?”
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
I suppose I’ll have to dispose of the little monster?”“
We’re gonna have roast rabbit…
Hey doc, wait, I want to ask you something
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
Did you ever have the feeling you were being watched?
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
“Where the heck am I anyways? Wherever it is I don’t like it and I’m getting out of here
Pardon me sir, but could I use your telephone?
“Hello? I want to speak to my Mom, please. Hello Mom?
I can’t hardly hear ya at’all…
“Don’t you worry, Daddy will protect you
Do you smell brimstone?
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
“Okay, Doc. As long as I know you’re coming I’ll bake a cake
I guess he wants to make it a regular blowout. I better get the party trimmings
My, he’s a big one!
Hoo boy, what big horny toads they do have around here
Hey girls, the life of the party is here.
”“You know, that a good trick, Merl ol’ girl. Can you do this one?
“I don’t ask questions, I just have fun”
Well, what are ya waiting for? Go on, make a wish and blow out the candles